2nd L (F–10) 5-6

Systems of language
Identify and describe elements of sign production, including handshape and its orientation, movement, location and non-manual features, and explore the processes of annotating Auslan videos or reading and transcribing glossed texts
[Key concepts: body anchored, iconicity; Key processes: identifying, recognising, annotating, glossing] - Elaboration 1

Understand that signs can include different information, including a gestural overlay, identify types of depicting signs and how signers establish spatial locations and show constructed action
[Key concepts: gestural overlay, establishing a spatial location, function of constructed action; Key processes: recognising, distinguishing] - Elaboration 2

Develop understanding of the important role of non-manual features in adverbs and joining clauses, and know that spatial relationships in Auslan are typically expressed with depicting signs
[Key concepts: manner, locatives, topicalisation; Key processes: recognising, distinguishing] - Elaboration 3

Identify and use language features of different types of Auslan texts and understand that texts are made cohesive through language choices
[Key concepts: language features, cohesion, referent tracking; Key processes: identifying, analysing] - Elaboration 4

Language variation and change
Explore variation in terms of the impact of other languages on Auslan across contexts and over time
[Key concepts: influence, language borrowing, style shifts; Key processes: noticing, recognising, explaining] - Elaboration 5

Language awareness
Explore the current status and profile of Auslan and of the Deaf community in contemporary Australian society, considering issues such as language transmission, usage and documentation
[Key concepts: diversity, representation, language transmission, documentation; Key processes: recognising, describing, understanding, discussing, investigating] - Elaboration 6

Role of language and culture
Reflect on how communities’ ways of using languages are shaped by, reflect and strengthen cultural values and beliefs and how these may be differently interpreted by users of other languages
[Key concepts: cultural expression and transmission, values, beliefs; Key processes: observing, making connections, discussing, investigating] - Elaboration 7