1st L (F–10) 7-8
Achievement Standard

By the end of Year 8, students interact to share ideas and interests and to offer opinions, using compound and complex sentences, for example by using lexical conjunctions as well as non-manual features (NMFs).

They participate in discussions and debates, acknowledging others’ opinions and developing and supporting arguments.

They collaborate in activities that involve planning, project design and problem-solving, for example, G:WELL RIGHT-YEAH , BUT I WANT ADD COMMENT.

They use evaluative language to reflect on learning activities and to provide feedback to others.

They follow protocols for interacting with sign language interpreters in various contexts.

Students locate, collate, summarise and analyse ideas and information from a variety of sources, such as interviews, documentaries or speeches, and they use such information in new forms.

They use primary or secondary signed sources in their research, for example, when exploring significant events in Deaf history.

They use specialised language to create texts such as vlogs, advertisements or research-based factual reports designed to convince or persuade others.

They analyse elements of different imaginative texts such as poetry, performances, signed stories, skits and sketches, and explain how sign choice, NMFs and the use of different stylistic techniques combine to convey ideas and emotions.

They create imaginative and expressive texts that draw from their experience as Auslan users and members of the Deaf community, including metaphorical iconicity to create particular effects and to engage interest.

Students translate and interpret unfamiliar texts in Auslan or English and compare their own translations to those of their classmates, considering why there might be differences between them.

They create bilingual texts to use in the wider school community.

They describe how the concept and the experience of Deafhood and visual ways of being apply to themselves and others.

They reflect on how their own ways of communicating may be interpreted when interacting with hearing people, and on their use of different communication strategies and behaviours, such as their use of gesture, facial expression and body language.

Students know that signs can be iconic in a number of ways, and identify iconic signs that represent a whole object or part of an object.

They distinguish between character and observer space, classify verb types according to how they use space, and identify constructed action in a text.

They explain the form and function of a range of clause types, including what NMFs are used, for example, questions, topicalisation, negation or conditionals.

They identify all the ways a signer refers to the same referent throughout a text to create cohesion.

They recognise that Auslan is constantly evolving and changing, for example, by identifying changes to Auslan that reflect changes in social relationships, community attitudes and changing technology.

Students reflect on how all ways of language use are influenced by communities’ world views and identities, for example by comparing the cultural concept of Deaf identity with the medical model of deafness.